My honest opinion of David Finlay’s role as “leader” of Bullet Club


No but seriously, if I’m being honest, this isn’t working out for him. He looks literally like Jay White too so his look itself is working against him.

Finlay is a hard working man, and as much as I want it to be successful he’s trying a little TOO hard to make it work to the point that it doesn’t.

I’m sorry but I hope BC Gold goes to war with them soon and expose Finlay as a fraud.

Hate me all you want, but he is


  1. Finlay is by far the greatest leader Bullet Club’s ever had

    Better than Fergal

    Better than Karl

    Better than AJ

    *Leagues* better than Kenny

    Better than – actually EVIL came pretty close, I’d say they’re about equal

    Better than Jay

    Bullet Club wasn’t *shit* until Finlay joined, one day you will all realize that and RESPIRE! with the Rebel

  2. KYS over wrestling? You think this is funny? Have some of you learned nothing from Hana Kimura’s passing? Seriously. Get this shit off the sub.

  3. He was fine as an underneath babyface, but I just don’t buy him as BC leader. He’s not a good talker and is also the weakest in-ring compared to the previous leaders.

  4. Wrestling fans have the most fucked in the head discourse. Everything is either the best thing ever or rubbish. Finlay has literally been in this role since the nj cup. Give the guy a chance. Not for nothing everyone said Jay sucked and was a poor man’s Kenneth at first

    As things stand now I like how he wrestles

  5. I’d give it a year or until a major booking flop before I’ll judge his placement as BC Leader.

    For now, I find the whole philosophy about changing the BC mentality to be interesting, so I’ll give it a shot.

  6. Lol, no. And it’s dumb to think Finlay wants any of their approval. If they were so great, they’d be leading the club in Japan… not crossing the biggest ocean on the planet to hide from reality.

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