Proof I have lived here

Hi guys does anyone know if there is any kind of proof I can that I have lived in japan?

I live with my partner and at some point we will return to uk and live together. If I can prove I have lived together for two years she can eventually get an unmarried spouse visa. We live together but only problem is my name is not on tenancy (though we told landlord i would move in), I’m not on any bills at all. I only have an unused bank account with Sony and occasionally letters about health insurance

  1. A translated juminhyo from city hall. You’ll have to translate yourself (if allowed) or pay someone.

  2. I actually got my partner a visa without any formal documents or receipts of living in japan.

    We just had photos in the sharehouse we stayed in and linked them, i specifically stated “due to Japan being a highly cash based society i didn’t keep any evidence I lived there due to the fact I wasn’t thinking this far ahead in the future and didn’t bother to keep them.

    They are looking for you to be truthful because they understand. Just prove you lived there as much as you can. My partners visa got approved in Australia which is very strict so it should work for you.

  3. I don’t know, maybe the ward office can produce something that shows when you both registered your residence?

    Anyway, what the dickens is an “unmarried spouse” visa in the UK?

    I don’t know anything about UK immigration, but I do remember my army friend telling me that he had a bastard of a time getting his wife a visa when they were moved back to the UK from Germany. Despite them already having been married for some years, with children. Apparently it cost quite a lot too.

  4. You need to prove that lived before 2012?
    If the answer is yes, you will need 外国人登録原票(gaikoku jin touroku gennpyou)
    If not, 住民票(juuminhyou) is sufficient.

  5. Good luck getting a visa in the uk. Way harder than getting one here in Japan.

  6. When I was applying for my first spouse visa, I submitted all my Amazon JP invoices downloaded off the website to prove that I was living here

  7. To apply for UK’s umarried partner visa ideally you’ll have to provide 6 different types of documents addressed to both of you together, or 6 per person if none of them address to both of you. The ones issued by the government/health care system/bank/utility companies/landlords have more weights than other receipts you can provide.

    There are other nuance conditions for the visa. If you have more questions about getting the visa closer to the application time you ask on r/ukvisa.

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