Custom PC cables and SFFPC stores


this is probably a long shot but do any of you know of shops that sell custom PC power supply (PSU) cables?
Meaning the customer can tell them how long they want their cables to be? Those cables are used in small form factor PCs, since space inside the cases is limited and you do not want to have long cables to manage.

Maybe there even is a shop focusing on SFFPCs in particular? I found a custom keyboard shop (Yusha Kobo) and that gave me hope that something like this might exist as well.

  1. I subscribed to this post just to check what others are gonna say. I want to build a new sffpc in the near future, with a 4090, so this is useful for me as well.

    Unfortunately I can’t really help you, but when I built my last sffpc (2019) I imported like half of the stuff, because at that time you couldn’t really find it here, also price was cheaper, in some cases. Importing could be a way for you too, although the prices sucks right now.

    Not long ago someone posted an awesome build in the sffpc subreddit, brown noctua theme and he said he was living in Japan, hopefully he will see this post.

    Good luck.

  2. Fellow SFFPC person here. Currently running three different NFC S4 chassis. 😀 I’ve yet to find anywhere here that supports serious SFF. It seems that the closest to it here hangs out around the 20L volume range, and even then, it’s just parts at normal PC enthusiast shops, not anything specialized for SFF.

  3. I got mine from Endgame Customs, 3 weeks lead time and 1 week to arrive from Sweden. The quality is very good, 24-pin cable clearance is tight so for my Q58 case, I had to request the length of Ghost S1 plus an additional 2 cm.

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