Subletting UR apartment

About to leave Tokyo for a month in August, thinking if subletting my apartment (UR apartment, 2LDK in the eastern part of Tokyo) is possible. I’m wondering if this is legal. Does anyone have experience?


It looks like it’s impossible to do this legally.
Thank you everyone for your comments.

  1. What does your contract say? But 99.999% likely the answer is “NO”. If it’s only for a month or something, and its for a friend or whatever, it might work, but renting it out to a rando? Who may potentially trash the place and you’ll be on the hook for it.

    edit: some good explanation as to why not:

  2. According to Japanese law (借地借家法) subletting any apartment requires the permission of the owner.

    In Japan it is very hard to evict someone unless that person is not paying the rent. All you need to do is verify that someone did not pay rent. The second easiest way to evict someone is to prove they are subletting. Unlike an unauthorized pet cat, which can hide from view and stay relatively quiet, a tenant not on the original lease must eventually pass through the common areas of the building to carry out their normal affairs. So the eviction notice would be worded, “We have footage of someone who is NOT on the lease living in your apartment (see attached photo). This person must leave the apartment by XYZ or you will be evicted as stated in line ABC of the contract.”

  3. I don’t know if they own or rent, but there are some posts in Craigslist of people subletting their apartments. But you run the risk of getting caught, or the person destroying your apartment.

  4. I did this year’s ago when I went to the US for a fortnight. Nobody knew and or cared. But yes it’s illegal. Anybody asks? A friend visiting Japan.

  5. Unrelated, but how about letting a friend/acquaintance stay with you for a month or two?

  6. I was specifically told when I signed my UR contract that subletting was not allowed. Neither were roommates. If I want some to move in, there’s gotta be a ring attached.

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