restuarant/service industry phrases

みんなちゃんこんにちは!Asking for help as a cafe manager- we get a LOT of japanese speakers at my work this time of year because of baseball and I’d like to learn more about restuarant/cafe phrases, but everything I find online seems to be for customers at restaurants rather than employees!

Phrases similar to “do you need a bag?” “would you like anything else?” “is everything okay?”.

Currently I’ve been asking Japanese customers ”食べ物はおいしですか?” – what would be my proper “happy to hear that!”-esq response when they say yes? ”よかった” seems a little too “anime-ish”.

I’m SUPER excited to be able to use Japanese more often, any other phrases/corrections would be super helpful, TYIA!! どうもありがとう〜💗

  1. For one of the phrases you listed:

    袋が要るですか 「ふくろがいるですか」do you need a bag?

    Instead of using よかった、just replying いいね should be okay.

    As for asking them if they need anything else, もし他に何か必要な物があれば、教えてください。「もしほかになにかひつようなものがあれば、おしえてください。」

    Hope these help!

  2. Aww you’re such a kind person asking about this honestly!! As someone currently working at a kaitenzushi restaurant, I sometimes serve customers directly from the kitchen and here are some things i picked up~

    when you’re bringing anything to their table:

    [food name]でございます。 ^-^
     is my go to phrase

    if you don’t understand and want them to repeat

    when you really need to apologize:
    申し訳ございません (it’s like very polite but the elderly love it when you say it to them)

    Still not the best at serving but I’ve realized a bright and apologetic attitude with a smile will get you anywhere! がんばって〜

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