Police stake-out at my apartment

Hey all. This morning just after leaving my apartment, which is on the first floor facing a sort of courtyard used for bicycle parking, I realized there were two men standing strangely against one of the walls of the courtyard. I think I let out my first legit びっくりした and proceeded to ask them why they were standing there like that, and I asked if everything was okay.

One of them pulled an undercover police badge out and flashed it to me. I asked if everything was okay and they said 大丈夫. As I left for the station, I noticed out on the street there were two more undercover police officers, one posted at the nearest corner in both directions.

I suspect that they were there to arrest someone but can’t know for sure as I left for work soon after coming across the officers.

Startled that crap out me when I walked out and there were two dudes just standing against a wall. Jebus.

Has anyone every experienced this? I really want to know what happened. My mind is full of possible fictional explanations such as the people above me being baby-eaters and what not. It’s likely just for an outstanding traffic violation or a bike theft.

What do you all think?

  1. Probably something slightly more dramatic than traffic violations or bicycle theft, but unless it’s newsworthy or you hear something from neighbors you may never know.

  2. Someone must have committed a horrendous crime of uploading an anime episode or mp3 online.

  3. Where do you live? I guess they weren’t “undercover”, more precisely in plain clothes. Undercover officers make concerted efforts to not identify themselves.

  4. Someone robbed a konbini here a few years ago and the police staked out the local train station. A detective stopped me with a sketch of the suspect and asked if I recognized him.

  5. Did you ask for a selfie?

    There’s often a police car parked up around the corner, waiting for desperate lawbreakers to not stop at the junction in a civilised manner.

    Our boys got a couple of selfies with them, and one time they even let them put the flashing lights on.

    As a disgraceful tax payer, I think that this was money well spent.

  6. Plot twist: they came to arrest you in a dramatic fashion but you blew their cover so they’ll be back in a couple days to bust open your door

  7. My first thought… wonder if they were waiting for a French guy to come out of his apartment?

    To your question though, yes, this happened to me around 2010 time frame. Plain clothes cops outside my mansion building in the morning and when I came home there were police everywhere.

    Apparently the couple below my condo was renting it from the owner and using it to grow/dry marijuana.

    Made the Yokohama news as the couple who were renting it were arrested, the police removed numerous plants that made the news, and they showed news crews how the renters had converted the closet space into drying racks to process weed.

  8. I’m curious, what about their behavior that stood out to you?

    If I see two rando people standing outside my apartment I don’t think I would think about anything

  9. When I was in student dorms, there was a stand off at a house down the street which we could see from the window. A bunch of police outside this house which had some crazy idiot in it apparently. Had a six pack so we sat there drinking and watching it. My friend went down to the shop to buy more beer and bumped into a policeman who asked to use our toilet.

  10. > What do you all think?

    I can’t get past the “startled the crap” comment.
    It’s scared the crap. As in scared shitless. Abject fear causing impromptu involuntary evacuation of the bowels.

    If we sharted each time someone was there when we turn a corner in a busy subway. Well. Just the smell on an average commute would be horrific.
    So. No. You need to edit that comment please.

    As for the police stuff. I couldn’t give two shits.

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