Are there other japanese teachers to watch as good as george tromley?

Years ago when I started japanese, japanese from zero was a godsend. JFZ only goes over basic n5 and n4 grammar tho. So now that I’m more advanced, I’ve kinda grown out of his video content (especially since he hasn’t finished the book 4 and 5 series. cough cough). I actually use his books to teach my friends now lol. I was wondering if there were any others that were like him that explain japanese with as much enthusiasm and vigor. George was such a good teacher for me, and if I could find someone similar for intermediate and later advanced study, it would be awesome.

  1. probably not quite as good but there are youtube channels which can nevertheless teach you a lot of Japanese

    Coto academy has good, short videos that teach grammar:

    Masa Sensei has a lot of videos going to N2

    Miku Real Japanese has grammar up to around N3 and also a few videos where she just has conversations

    If you just want listening practice try teppei out:

  2. ToKini Andy has a great video series on intermediate japanese grammar (N3 and N2). His videos are based on the grammar points in the books Quartet 1 and Quartet 2, which in my opinion is the best textbook series for intermediate learners.

    Like Trombley, Andy’s video explanations do stand on their own and don’t require the book to understand, but the books also have a lot of other beneficial content except just grammar info-dumps.

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