Radiator stored in my closet leaked glycol(?) everywhere. Is there anything I should know about cleanup?

I just soaked it up with towels. Will the wood floor in the closet be extra flammable or anything? I’m keeping my dog away from it bc I’ve heard animals will lick it and die.

  1. Yes, animals will readily ingest antifreeze, as it is slightly sweet, and it will poison them. So, definitely keep any pets away from the spill area and any towels used for the cleanup. Wash it with warm soapy water several times, let it air dry, and it should be fine. Fun fact: airports use a variant as aircraft and runway de-icer.

  2. If he taste it he will probably be fine. I have tasted coolent before, intentionally and unintentionally. Just soap and water will remove it.

  3. Are you talking about a car radiator or an (home heat source) oil radiator? I would have assumed the later, but with you mentioning glycol and other comments mentioning coolant, is it the former?

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