Itinerary: 04/29 – 05/13

Dang, everyone is going to Japan! Great seeing everyone’s itins, I felt like sharing mine as well! The plan isn’t as full as others, as we’ve visited several times before & I used to live in JP.

(04/28: Redeye flight from Los Angeles)

* 04/29 / OSAKA: Arrive in Haneda, take domestic flight to Osaka. Arrive in Kansai region approximately at 8AM. Early check-in to hotel (booked for 04/28 & confirmed we can check in early). Mosey around Dotonbori, eat some 7/11 egg salad sandwiches (most likely every morning), explore.
* 04/30 / OSAKA: No hard plans in the AM, [TeamLab Botanical Garden Osaka]( in the PM.
* 05/01 / OSAKA: Maybe go to [Minoh Park](, but open day.
* 05/02 / AMANOHASHIDATE & INE: Forwarding luggage to Kyoto hotel, as we will be moving around for one day to Northern Kyoto. Getting on the [Tango Akamatsu]( train from Nishimaizuru to [Amanohashidate]( & [Amano-Kasamatsu Park](, take the cable car up & enjoy the view. Spend a few hours there, and pick some snacks up/eat dinner before reaching [Ine](, as we have been advised that restaurants are scarce and there are no konbinis. (Logistically, this isn’t the most ideal, but this was the only day we could book the train due to Golden Week. Gotta make do with what you got!)
* 05/03 / KYOTO : Breakfast at our inn, probably rent a bike & roam around Ine for a few hours. I’ve heard that it’s best to view the town from the water (& boat rides are inexpensive), so most likely will do that until we make our way to Kyoto. It’s a 4 hour trip back to the city, so may stop off between Ine & Kyoto to sightsee.
* 05/04 / KYOTO: If weather permits, go to [Arashiyama]( & bike around the area. We’ve already been here, but the husband is excited to go back, as it is his favorite place in Kyoto.
* 05/05 / KYOTO: Make our way to [Kifune-Jinja](, just to get away from the city for a moment. It’s a trek, but I think it’ll be worth it.
* 05/06 / NARA: This is what I mean, lol it’s kind of a logistical nightmare (would’ve been better to go to Nara from Osaka, but didn’t want to take time away from Osaka). We’ve been to Nara to see the deer before, but I’m interested in hiking in [Mt. Kasuga](\- again, to just be engulfed by nature (can you tell I’m from the city and not a fan?).
* 05/07 / GIFU CITY: This is where the *real* fun begins. We get into Gifu City, visit [Gifu Park]( & enjoy a new city (we’ve visited Kyoto/Osaka/Nara/Tokyo several times before).
* 05/08 / GERO: We will be renting a car, which we’re a little nervous about, but we will not be in a heavy density areas, and should be a quick learn. We’ve studied the road signs & know how to drive (obviously) in our home country. Have to remind myself: Left is right, right is left! We will be making our way to Gero, but first stopping off in [Magome-Juku](, then make our way to [Gero City]( (known for their hot springs).
* 05/09 / OKUHIDA: This is where I made a huge mistake. I booked a hotel that has a no cancellation policy, and was the most expensive hotel that we booked, so we had to make it work! We’ll be making our way to Hida in the AM for [Gattan Go](; Our hotel is in [Okuhida](
* 05/10 / TAKAYAMA: In the AM, we’ll visit [Okuhida Ropeway]( since it’s not every day that you’re right next to the Japanese Alps! Once done, we’ll make our way to [Takayama]( & eat our way through the city.
* 05/11 / GUJO: From Takayama, we may hit up [Shirakawa-go]( to see the thatched roofs. We may go to [Otaki Limestone Cave]( since we’re suckers for funiculars. I saw a video on [Gujo Hachiman](, and I just can’t miss it.
* 05/12 / TOKYO: Return the car in Gifu City and make our way to Tokyo (Shinjuku) probably in the PM. I’m not the biggest fan of Tokyo (just too much sensory stimulation and it’s a little overwhelming for me + I grew up in Asakusa so I feel like I’ve seen it before), but need to be here to do last minute omiyage shopping and to be close to the airport.
* 05/13 / LA: We’ll be in Tokyo until around 2PM, so we’ll get our last bite and try to savor the last bit of our trip & look back on the good/unexpected of our trip.

Concerning JR/Regional Passes, I crunched the numbers, and it just didn’t make sense to us. [Kansai Wide]( would’ve probably been the only one I would have purchased, but it doesn’t cover all the lines in Kyoto, and the actual ala carte tickets are pretty affordable. The only headache will be having to purchase on each leg, but it’s not a big deal 🙂

Back in 2018, I had all our plans down to the hour, but this time, we want to let the wind take us off the beaten path and just be a little more spontaneous. There’s no “I have to go to this restaurant” and unless we have a reservation, the attractions will be as they come. Not that anyone cares, but I’ll post a more detailed account once we’ve completed our trip!

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