Resources for plain form vocabulary

Apologies if this has already been posted, I have looked through the wiki and googled but can’t seem to find it.

Most of the resources I use have vocab in masu form. I’ve read a lot that it’s better to learn the plain form / dictionary form.

Is there any good way / particular resource to do this?


  1. Master the masu form first, then learn the dictionary form. It’s not a big deal. I self-studied before joining a class so I have exposure to both approaches. For myself, I went straight into dictionary form and learnt verb conjugations from the dictionary form. My classmates learnt the masu form first, and now they are learning how to conjugate from the masu form. While technically and logically it feels more correct to use the dictionary form as the baseline for conjugation, we still end up in the same place.

    What resources are you using now?

  2. Plain form is very simple to learn. Once you’re used to how the masu-stem works, you just go to that stem and replace it with the u-vowel equivalent. That’s it. That’s dictionary form. You’re done. The only exception is the irregular verbs (which you just have to learn) and ichidan (ru-verbs) where you just take the stem and add る.

    Especially early on, masu is more useful to learn. Partially because you’re more likely to be using it in the situations early learners are liable to get in to, but also because it’s much harder for a learner to tell the difference between ichidan (ru-verbs) and godan (u-verbs) when they learn them in plain form (because plain form conjugate identically), but this is easier when you start with masu (as the stem is *usually* different).

    Do masu first. Then do plain form later when it’s introduced (assuming you’re using a textbook, and I recommend you do)

  3. Maybe anki decks? I’m going through core 2000 and theres vocab in plain form, adjectives, verbs, you should know something before using though so you can understand example sentences even partially. I like the app renshuu, it teaches plain verbs and there’s a lot of other functions. I wouldn’t focuse on practicing desu/masu conjugation etc that much, in things like beginner podcasts it’s everywhere so it comes naturally to get how things change in order to be formal etc..

  4. any dictionary

    words are not listed in their masu form except in learning material that’s focused on that form first (which is common, as it’s the usual way you speak with strangers or to your sensei)

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