Looking for free fantasy LN

LN over WN because I’d expect the former to have a better editing, hovewer I won’t say no to a WN with understandable grammar (vocabulary doesn’t exactly have to bo)

Alternatively manga with either a plain text section, where I could simply copy vocabulary into a dictionary, or a tool that would allow me to convert text from a manga page into a .txt or .pdf (just convert, not translate)

Even though I’m a begginer, I much prefer a harder but more engaging read over a easier but boring one. If it’s both engaging *and* easy then it’s just for the better.

  1. Check out the Crystal Hunters manga. It comes in two edition, one simple and one more “natural Japanese” version.

    Edit: Didn’t register that you asked for free resources. Crystal Hunters isn’t free, but still worth it! And pretty cheap!

  2. Syosetu has an insane amount of high quality free novels.
    Here’s a list of [finished fantasy novels sorted by all time rating, ](https://yomou.syosetu.com/search.php?word=&notword=&genre=201-202&type=er&mintime=&maxtime=&minlen=&maxlen=&min_globalpoint=&max_globalpoint=&minlastup=&maxlastup=&minfirstup=&maxfirstup=&order=hyoka) with many having been adapted into manga or anime.

    For getting an idea of difficulty you can look them up on something like [jpdb](https://jpdb.io/novel-difficulty-list?) though it doesn’t seem to have newer novels.

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