Left Japan without canceling rental agreement nor anything. How much of trouble I’m in??

My story is sad but long story short, I lived in Japan for almost 8 years. When the covid hit I had to go back to my country in late 2020 because of family issues. I did not cancel the rental agreement of my apartment. Payed the rent for few months then I couldn’t afford paying for it. The whole thing is out of severe depression. I can’t stop thinking about what to do in my situation with the apartment. How much of trouble I’m in right now? Please help


  1. Depends on whether or not you intend to move back to Japan.

    You’ll owe a not small amount of money. Worst case you’re forced into a repayment plan type of thing.

    Japan does not operate debtors prison, so it’s not like you’ll be arrested or anything.

    Can you reach out to your former landlord and find out what you owe (and make sure that you’re not still accumulating more debt)?

    Don’t forget you probably also owe Japan taxes so you’ll want to figure that out too.

  2. That’s very irresponsible and the only way to find peace for yourself is to address the issues and fix them. Start by contacting the realtor.

  3. And after I wonder why owners don’t want to rent to foreigners, thanks so much, that’s a really nice thing to do! Sigh…

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