Weekly Complaint Thread – 20 April 2023

As per every Thursday morning—this week’s complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissed you off.


Rules are simple—you can complain/moan/winge about anything you like, small or big. It can be a personal issue or a general thing, except politics. It’s all about getting it off your chest. Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

  1. Body Pain.
    Chance to work on golden week (hopefully my leave as a part time is in effect to not work those days as i want to regen my body from heavy work)

  2. My move is going to financially ruin me for a bit. The company will pay back a little over half of the costs, but they’re doing it in smaller installments in my salary over the next year. Combine that with the weak yen and move-in costs and I won’t even have enough to buy furniture for a few months.

  3. The typical “it’s getting warmer in my office but my CEO refuses to turn on the a/c because it’s not cool-biz season yet” complaint.

  4. that guy who saw me trying to bring my luggage through the big ticket gate, looked me in the eye, and raced to tap in his IC card before rushing through it and away. That bullshit is so petty, I don’t know whether to be livid or amazed.

  5. I did something to my knee somehow and now stairs have been painful for like a week…

  6. Ive stopped wearing a mask most of the time since the laws changed. Something I dont understand is why sone Japanese people put their masks on in the car when they see me. Its funny but strange at the same time. Like do they think my diseased gaikoku aura is gonna seep through the car window . Im not upset about it but why Japanese people ?!?!?!?!?!?!?lmao

  7. One of the stray cats that the next-door obaachan and I used to feed recently passed away. This furry little friend was one of a few strays cat that actually allowed me to pet them, so I’m feeling pretty pawful about it.

    But let’s talk about these darn Japanese strays cat. What’s their deal? Why they don’t let me give them love and attention?! I went to Thailand a few months ago, have encountered a lot of cats and like 9 out of 10 they would not mind me petting them!

  8. Screw the local 交通安全協会 for blasting reminders out of their patrol car about the new bicycle helmet law at 07:15 on Saturday morning. Disrespecting other people’s weekend sleep like that for trivial nonsense that’s going to make me sleep deprived for the rest of the day and therefore likelier to crash my car.. what is wrong with some people here?

  9. If you are not a gangster, talking like one to impress someone makes you look like an idiot.

  10. I visited the doctor today because I have cough. The clinic treated me like I get covid. I needed to sit at the corner and they gave me pcr test.

  11. Still no job, next month’s bills might have to come out from the savings/emergency funds.

    And shout out to recruiters who are so happy and genki and have decent JD’s for me but ghost me after sending my CV to their clients…

    Would be nice to hear at least that the CV got me nowhere.

  12. I love been given impossible tasks by pointy-hair managers who don’t understand what they’re going on about. You want me to target a 10-year deprecated library with new code that has been super updated, but not change stuff? Sure, let me get my wizard’s hat.

  13. Elections are heating up. All the stupid 連呼 cars and politicians are upping their intensity. Sounds almost like they had a deathmatch downstairs, shouting their names across the street at each other.

  14. I’m pretty sure I have 毛巣症 so I get to go to the dermatologist before work tomorrow and pray they don’t need to cut me up. (Google it for some gross pictures )

  15. I’ve got that problem today where my bum itches and it’s not the cheeks but actually the hole itself and I can’t itch it in public

  16. Today’s complaint comes on behalf of my cat (and my poor wife who had to deal with him all day).

    He’d been cranky and angry and miserable for the last couple of weeks, so today he got a chance to go to the vet. The problem with cats is they can’t tell you what’s wrong with them. They’re not heavy on introspection. My cat especially not. His range of expression goes from purring, to meowing, to yowling, to trying to take your hand off. He was at the latter end of that.

    The vet went to do his usual poking and prodding to try to figure out what might be the problem, and he responded by going what I can only describe as “fucko bazoo”. This necessitated the vet, for his own protection, wrapping the poor little guy in a towel and putting on a Cone Of Shame (the Japanese word for which, delightfully, is “Elizabeth”) for his own protection. The poor little guy, having lost all other forms of retribution for all this unfair treatment, took his revenge by pissing all over the examination table. I don’t blame him.

    The vet gave up on palpitating the little guy to figure out what was wrong, and resorted to a CT scan, which finally revealed the issue. His back was all out of whack, caused by trying to compensate for the *main* problem. The main problem was that he’d torn his ACL. I guess that’s the end of his professional athletic career.

    But it certainly explains why he was so unhappy. I would be too.

    So now he’s on a diet of pain killers, fewer calories to get his weight down to reduce the strain on his knees, and lots of rest. And he’s banned from trying to negotiate stairs until he feels much better.

  17. Sweet! I’m going out for dinner and drinks with a couple of friends! It’s been like 3 weeks since I talked to people (other than my family) face to face.

    Oh, but look at that, I feel like shit and my throat is starting to feel like crap. I’m suspecting another throat infection, which will make me miss out on yet another event.

  18. It’s hot as fuck rn! My stamina drained faster because of the heat! On the flip side the new melon of melon hits different rn.

  19. Im living in the Inaka and meeting foreigners are quite rare. They are quiet and go on with their lives without bothering anyone. Today idk what’s with me but i’m kinda pissed off with americans today.

    A guy saying “In america its not how we do things” in a fucking loud voice inside a convenience store. Not one occasion but 2 in one day. Two different guys. Two different locations.

    Can you just please lower your voice? You’re probably here cause you cant afford living in america and acting like you’re the shit here.

  20. I quit my full time job last year and applied for part time permission. While waiting for the result i found a full time work so i didn’t need the part time permit anymore. This year middle of Feb submittef my application for extension of visa under a new employer. It’s already April and no result. I received multiple calls from one number and didn’t really bother checking it coz i am not expecting any calls esp after 5pm only to realize it was the immigration number. I went to Shinagawa last week and basically they explained my visa is still on process then I showed them my phone that it shows their number was trying to reach me and i want to know the reason. Guess what? My part time permit application should be cancelled first before they can process my visa 😿😿😿 i wish they told me when i submitted my visa application last Feb. They said wait 10 days for the result so hopefully i will get my visa next week. I really wished they sent me a letter if they weren’t able to contact me 3x 🙁

  21. I was driving home from work and some weird foreigner was giving me the stink eye. He was creeping me out so I pulled up my mask but he kept looking at me. I guess some gaijin don’t like seeing Black men in their perfect Japan.

  22. Kid’s getting to that age where it’s mom or nothing. I’ll be walking with my wife somewhere and she’ll carry the kiddo (who can’t sit still in the stroller for too long). My wife will complain about her arms getting tired so we’ll switch and I’ll carry kiddo…who immediately starts squirming, squirming, and crying, putting their arms up to go back to my wife.

    Not really a complaint against the kid because babies don’t know any better. But I just feel helpless in this situation. How am I supposed to help out with the kid when the kid clearly prefers my wife? I’ll a lot else to pick up the slack (cooking, washing, cleaning, changing diapers, bathing), but I just know my wife needs time away too but I can’t help.

  23. This is true for all governments but I do love it when the city/prefecture owes us money (childcare reimbursement and pregnancy reimbursement money from my city in particular), they are oh so slow to pay you.

    But what’s this? Your payment for hoikuen/other service didn’t go through the day of? Let’s harass you over and over. Nevermind we owed you for two months now and have no consistent timing you need to be consistent with us!

    It’s taken care of now, was just irritating.

  24. Being kicked from most lobbies in Gran Turismo 7 because my account does not have a Japanese flag next to it. And the consistency in Japanese multiplayer lobbies to have something along the lines of “JPN ONLY” when no other country does this. Let’s look at the first 3 Japan based rooms I find and post their titles here:

    1. ドリフト練習 初心者のみ JPNonly
    2. 最高速レース Japanese only !
    3. 21時〜配信マニファクチャーラーズ練習部屋 japan onry

    List goes on.

  25. The two taxis that blanked us in Hiroshima. My wife is Japanese and was carrying our baby. Wtf! Just got tram in the end. Love Hiroshima but little things can piss you off

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