Mandatory, Annual Stress Check?

Hey everyone. So this week my company sent out a “stress check” test. They said that the government makes them mandatory every year. I’ve never done one of these before, but it came back saying that I am more stressed than usual. I asked my boss if there’s a next step because of the result, but he told me he doesn’t know.

Has anyone taken a test like this before? I’m curious if there’s something I need to do for follow up, because I have been noticeably more stressed recently. I’m more curious than anything. Thanks for the help!

  1. Previous company had these tests, but were recommended and not required. They provided “Guidance” on what to do if you were highly stressed (seemed to be lifestyle/meditation/breathing/timeout strategies for people having issues). They also provided some counseling for people who wanted it, but I never did it so can’t comment on it.

  2. When I did the test it came with some guidance on contacting the clinic that is associated with our union (my personal results were like super chill)

  3. it’s compulsory in our company and never taken it. one of the officemate got visited by some counselor and the funny thing is they discuss his stress and other problems within hearing distance of everyone

  4. Every year for the past five. It means nothing. The boss gets a summary of general trends and you can ask for assistance if you get a “stress” result, but no one does in my experience.

  5. My company does them every year. IMHO it’s in your best interest to say that you’re stressed and not give the company the benefit that you can work through it as that paper could potentially be used against you if you ever claim a mental health problem. Perhaps it’s just my company’s gross work culture, but when in doubt cover your own ass first and foremost. After all, all companies will always put their best interest first before their employees.

  6. I find them obnoxious. It’s like they want to cover their asses should an employee commit suicide or die of overwork. “We did what we could!” When my job was particularly stressful for a while, being pestered to fill out that questionnaire undermined my morale more than anything. Instead of a friendly collegial environment, just constant tatemae, and then for empathy you get some fucking questionnaire. 😂 Just treat me like a human being instead of an appliance.

  7. Company just wants to cover their ass. Like the guardsmen around construction sites. Accidents are still likely but having an accident and not have a person there, that is a big nono.

  8. It’s mandatory in my company and i got a bad result one time because I was depressed. The company’s doctor called me and arranged a meeting. They asked me about how much overtime i have, if i miss my family back home, and if i want to bring this up to my manager etc. I was already under treatment at that time so they didn’t really do anything.

  9. Be careful, filling out pointless questionnaires has been found to raise stress levels.

  10. Wish I had one just so I could safely tell them to fuck off with all the useless meetings we have.

  11. They don’t do anything they just say to take it easy and stop working too much lol as if! The “industrial doctor” basically a useless term and a paid psychologist visits every company then HR has to schedule a meeting with those employees who think they have some sort of stress. In the end is just a meeting I could have with my friend at a local bar, it’s useless and it’s t serves no purpose, then you get the medical check every year just for the doctor to call you fat lol even when I was at 5% body fat he called me fat haha

  12. They are a bit meaningless – also “mandatory” does not mean for you – it’s the company that is required to roll them out.

    And yeah –

    “Hey you seem stressed from the outcome of the results!”

    .. OK now what?

    “Nothing – it’s just a test!”

  13. I put them deep in my desk drawer when i get them and never look at them again. No one has ever asked me for it.

  14. I thought it was a waste of time so I filled out answers showing super high stress levels. It came back showing I was stressed but there was no next step. After that I declined to fill out the form again.

  15. I take one every year. We are expected to take it, but not necessarily mandatory. Results aren’t shared with higher ups, just some suggested contact info and counseling opportunities should someone be considered too stressed.

  16. Annual bullshit in my company also. I will fill the “very stress” answer to all Qs just for fun, wasting 1 hour of my working hour to meet the sangyoi doctor, while I put this appointment in today’s work agenda like 2 hours, the rest of the time I will use to enjoy coffee or AFK somewhere with an excuse “i need more break coz yappari im sTreSseD”

    Funny that in one appo the sangyoi said I might be depressed due to overweight.

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