Most suspenseful web novels?

I was thinking, if you want to get deep in a novel, the most important element is suspense, which drives you to finish the book to find out the answers. Unfortunately, the best way I can think to look for such a book (apart from asking the wonderful users of Reddit) is to search for Mystery genre books.

However, I’ve read Fantasy and Sci-fi books that are also suspenseful and draw you into the book, and I’m sure they every genre of novel can build suspense.

That said, what would be your top recommendations for *suspenseful* novels?

  1. Here are the web novels that I find suspenseful:

    死に戻りの魔法学校生活を、元恋人とプロローグから (※ただし好感度はゼロ)



  2. I found 暗黒童話 (あんこくどうわ, Black Fairy Tale in the English translation) by 乙一 (Otsuichi) pretty suspensful, and with a twist ending that I didn’t see coming.

    His short stories (such as the GOTH 2 part series) are also full of twists but very short, so I like I felt some suspense leading up to the end but, obviously less than you’d get from a full length novel)

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