AC remote broke during this summer and I’m about to break.

My trusty AC stopped working a while ago and I’ve been using a fan since then which is fine except it is loud and annoying. Can I buy a new remote or do I have to get my old one fixed?

  1. Look up on amazon your remote and buy one, you probably can find them in some recycle shops.

    Make sure the remote is the one broken and not the AC.

  2. In the meantime, open the unit like you are cleaning the filter, there should be a small switch with three settings. One is OFF, one is FAN, and one is FULL BLAST DEADLY COLD AC. On my units, it’s a small red switch on the right, front side, about 1 cm wide.

    Turn the AC on when you really need it to cool off. Don’t leave it on all night.

    Enjoy and you’re welcome.

  3. Any large electrical store (BicCamera Yamada etc) will have generic remote controls for AC. You punch in the make and model number and you’re ready to go.

  4. They make universal AC remotes you can get on Amazon. Should be cheaper than the proprietary one. I’ve used a few and had no issues.

    I’m not sure that would be ok for when you move out of your apartment though.

  5. Download a remote app in Playstore if you are Android or whatever it is called if you have Apple,
    And use that to operate the AC.
    Most smartphones have infrared

  6. I misplaced mine and bought one on yahoo Japan pretty cheap… try to find the same maker though. bought a generic and it sucked

  7. Is this what this sub has degraded to? Can I post and ask what day to put my trash out?

  8. If replacing you remote doesn’t work I’ve actually have the sensor in my AC break before. Good luck!

  9. Did you check the batteries? Try to remove them then install again. If it didn’t work. Install new batteries. If not search Amazon for the same remote model.

  10. Are you renting the place? The AC remote is also included in my rental contract. If I were you, I would ask the management company first, perhaps they will exchange one for you.

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