French tourist in Japan arrested for punching woman in the face

French tourist in Japan arrested for punching woman in the face

  1. Was she Japanese or another nationality? I thought she sounded eastern European

  2. Bastard. Good that Japan arrested this piece of wank and I hope he’s permanently banned from re-entering this country ever again. I can assure you that if it was one of the big Nigerian guys that run some of the clubs in Roppongi he wouldn’t have dared this.

  3. >According to local reports, Evan and his group of friends collided with the woman in her 20s, causing her to drop her lunch box and leading them to fight.

    So, they ran into each other and she dropped her bento. She grabbed him by the shirt and he tries to back away but she won’t let go, so he lays her out.

    He should not have hit her but I have zero sympathy for her. She got physical with him over a bento box and then, he escalated. Everyone looks like an idiot.

  4. There were people, without even knowing the full story, trying to justify a man punching a lady in the face and running away when this was initially posted a couple of days ago.

  5. How fucked is he really? He will be deported once his tourist visa runs out, at the latest. The woman will never be able to claim damages. He will be banned from re-entry, but I wonder how much this will bother him. I can’t imagine that fines or reimbursements will be pursuit internationally, so in the end taxpayers will pay for his flight back. End of story. (Unfortunately.)

  6. From the video posted here a few days ago, it looks like she assaulted him first. Not that he should have punched her, but I can understand the reaction if its 4AM and you’re in a foreign company and someone is attempting to pull a famous scam on you and physically grabbing you. He should have found a way to escape without committing assault.

  7. “According to local reports, Evan and his group of friends collided with the woman in her 20s, causing her to drop her lunch box and leading them to fight. ”

    He knocked her over and fucked up her lunch too. He was probably an asshole about it which is why she was grabbing onto him before he punched her. What a POS.

  8. Y’all are crazy. She’s grabbing him while he’s trying to pull away. The punch was excessive, but clearly self defence. You can’t assume someone grabbing you doesn’t have a weapon, even in Japan. If you assault someone first, they have a right to defend themselves.

  9. I do feel bad for the woman but cmon if your gonna be physical with someone (grabbing their shirt, or arm ) don’t complain when they don’t take it nicely he’s in the wrong but cmon use your words people.

  10. He shouldn’t have punched her and she shouldn’t have been grabbing at him. They also should both watch where they are going. I’d say they are both at fault.

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