A friend is going to Japan, what can be bought there cheaper that will be helpful for my N5 learning?

Title, a friend is going to Japan and asked if I want him to buy anything. I was thinking maybe something that will be helpful for my learning (currently starting for N5, done with alphabet and slowly building up on vocabulary) However I already have Genki 1 &2, KKLC and 1000 essential vocabulary for the LLPT (the small yellow book).

Aside from that, what do you think can I ask to be bought there that is either not available online or would be cheaper to be bought there?

  1. Honestly, any more resources than you already have will probably hurt your progress more than help it.

    If anything, ask for some manga or some kid novels.

  2. What the other person said, ask them to bring you an easy read. Some kind of children story book or a very easy slice of life manga from a bookoff or sth

  3. Â¥100 stores sometimes have kanji practice workbooks for elementary school students, usually up to 3rd grade level tops. They’re helpful if you want to learn to write (though a lot of people don’t see the point).

    Daiso also has some bilingual picture books sometimes. I’ve seen Momotaro and such there.

  4. Manga is way cheaper there. You can get a whole set of Attack on Titan used for $50 or so. In a used book store, a lot of manga go for 100円.

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