Did stupid things in the past. Now, going back to Japan and what to expect?

Hello everyone, I hope you’re doing well.

First, let me talk a bit about my current situation. My country has gone sh\*t, literally and I’m trying to leave. I miss Japan and have been searching for jobs there. I’m still studying for N3 and even though I speak Japanese well enough, I struggle to speak Japanese fluently. Recently, I received a job offer, but I haven’t accepted it yet. I’m planning to return to Japan soon and aim to become a naturalized citizen.

I attended a language school in Japan back in 2013 or 2014, but I was young and made some stupid decisions. Despite doing my research, I still have some unanswered questions. I hope someone among you can provide me with guidance or suggestions.

One of my concerns is that I didn’t cancel the contract with Softbank, which came with a Â¥0 iPhone.

* I should be blacklisted now, right?
* Can it leave a negative impact on my CIC record, making it impossible for me to get a credit card? If so, what steps can I take to improve the situation?
* Could it have negative effects on the naturalization process in the future?

Of course, I am willing to repay what I owe, but since I will be moving to Matsue and my Japanese language skills are not yet strong, I would appreciate any guidance on how to do so.

I also have some concerns about my bank accounts. I didn’t cancel my accounts with Yucho and Sumitomo, and I gave my Yucho banking book to someone before I left. I’m not sure what they did with it, so I’m a bit worried. What should I expect and what should I do when I return to Japan?

This is it for now… Thanks everyone!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Did stupid things in the past. Now, going back to Japan and what to expect?**

    Hello everyone, I hope you’re doing well.

    First, let me talk a bit about my current situation. My country has gone sh*t, literally and I’m trying to leave. I miss Japan and have been searching for jobs there. I’m still studying for N3 and even though I speak Japanese well enough, I struggle to speak Japanese fluently. Recently, I received a job offer, but I haven’t accepted it yet. I’m planning to return to Japan soon and aim to become a naturalized citizen.

    I attended a language school in Japan back in 2013 or 2014, but I was young and made some stupid decisions. Despite doing my research, I still have some unanswered questions. I hope someone among you can provide me with guidance or suggestions.

    One of my concerns is that I didn’t cancel the contract with Softbank, which came with a Â¥0 iPhone.

    * I should be blacklisted now, right?
    * Can it leave a negative impact on my CIC record, making it impossible for me to get a credit card? If so, what steps can I take to improve the situation?
    * Could it have negative effects on the naturalization process in the future?

    Of course, I am willing to repay what I owe, but since I will be moving to Matsue and my Japanese language skills are not yet strong, I would appreciate any guidance on how to do so.

    I also have some concerns about my bank accounts. I didn’t cancel my accounts with Yucho and Sumitomo, and I gave my Yucho banking book to someone before I left. I’m not sure what they did with it, so I’m a bit worried. What should I expect and what should I do when I return to Japan?

    This is it for now… Thanks everyone!

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  2. >One of my concerns is that I didn’t cancel the contract with Softbank, which came with a Â¥0 iPhone.

    From 10 years ago? If the debt is still floating around it’ll be with a third party collections agency now. Maybe Softbank will have you blacklisted but I doubt they’ll even twig that you’re the same person.


    >Could it have negative effects on the naturalization process in the future?

    Its pretty unlikely. They’re more worried about your income & taxes for the previous 5 years.


    >I also have some concerns about my bank accounts. I didn’t cancel my accounts with Yucho and Sumitomo, and I gave my Yucho banking book to someone before I left.

    They passed a law a few years ago where dormant bank accounts had the funds surrendered to the government. So worst case whatever money you had left in those accounts is gone. Best case, the money is still there and you can go through their process of reactivating it (or formally closing the accounts).

  3. * with softbank? yes
    * if they still have your record, pay it back and wait for five years
    * no

    >and I gave my Yucho banking book to someone before I left

    This is the problematic part. Selling your bank account is a crime, and banks can ban you from making an account ever again.

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