Weekly Praise Thread – 21 April 2023

It’s that time of the week again. Please boast and share about the good things that have happened to you this past week!

  1. Japanese service is outstanding… ordered a Lexus for my wife last year… finally got it .. the dealers was so polite …,manager/ service manager greeted us at the door .. had my wife’s name on a card and the car in a separate garage area.. we drove away and all the employees were lined up and bowing .. cool experience

  2. My oldest has been calling a lot of something “A _______ party.” Inlaws come over and we have sushi? It’s a sushi party! We order out for burgers? Hamburger party!

    So we were airing out blankets on a nice day, “It’s a [blanket party!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blanket_party)”.

    I hold back a laugh, and tell him that’s not a nice party.

    So naturally, he understands and respects this. Just kidding, he starts saying it at nap time at school. Apparently, the kids all chant “blanket party!” now.

    There’s a new kid.

    I worry. But it’s funny.

  3. I’m sure many of us gaijin are familiar with getting stared at. The other day when I was out walking noticed I was getting a particularly probing stare from an old lady. Normally I hate that but was in a really good mood so decided to give her a quick head nod. She responded with a head nod back and a こんにちは. Just a small little interaction, but it brought a little positivity to my day. Next time I notice someone staring I’ll try the same thing again!

  4. My toddler is obsessed with Animal Crossing. She grabs my switch and gives it to me every morning and wants me to play it. It’s really cute.

  5. the office was uncomfortably warm yesterday, with everyone using fans and doing the usual atsui ne, so I went to investigate the array of AC unit control panels. out of all the areas, only ours was set to whatever 送風 is (ventilation? just blowing air around?), everyone else was still set to heater, and like… 26 or 27 degrees at that. I made the executive decision to switch the master unit to cooling, and within the hour everyone was in AC bliss.

    to my surprise, no one has switched it back to heating this morning, either. everyone seems to be cool with it (badum-tss).

  6. Some praise for Oriental Land Company, the owner and operator of Tokyo Disney Resort. I’ve been griping about them for quite a few years including the recent build up to their low-budget 40th anniversary plans. But when they put good money, good people and great dancers into a special event, it really shows. The new daytime parade, Harmony in Color, is amazing. Catchy music, beautiful costumes and great theming.

  7. So got a parking space about 10m from my office which is nice. Now I don’t have to move my car every time we have parts delivered. Which makes everyone in the office happy too since me parking here “looked” bad since you know, management parking for free when everyone else rents a space in the neighborhood or rides the bus in.

    Now early stupid question. Was reading up on the point system – kid who hit me should have his license revoked for 1 year (before he can test to get a new license). Is that one year from the accident or 1 year from when they actually notify him his license is revoked?

  8. The mother cat of my pack rapid fire sneezed on my face this morning and I’m now covered in an ungodly amount of slimy drippy cat snot.
    Which means that for today her sinus are clear and she won’t make a vacuum cleaner noise all the time at least until this evening.
    Count as a win in my book.

  9. Lots of foreigners always complain about tatemae, but damn gotta love it sometimes. I fucked up shaving the back of my head in the mirror and made an obvious bald spot, everyone at work is like “no way you can’t tell at all!” “I didn’t realise until you pointed it out!”, to make me feel better ahaha

  10. After joking to my vice-principal two days in a row about how hot it was and why don’t we start Cool Biz from tomorrow, it was announced this morning that we will start Cool Biz from next Monday. Yeah!

    But I will continue the fight that if Cool Biz clothing is acceptable work attire, then why can’t we wear it year round?

  11. Yesterday I complained about a pain in my thumb that is probably tendonitis. After applying an anti-inflammatory patch all day and all night, the pain is mostly gone today!

  12. This was actually a couple weeks ago.

    The sad part: I had to take one of my rats to the vet to euthanize him.

    The nice part: A couple days later, I get a basket of flowers delivered to my home. It was from the vet, as condolences for the rat that passed away.

  13. As of recently, I walk past the ruins of Arioka Castle near Itami Station (Hyogo Prefecture) a few times a week. Kuroda Kanbei was imprisoned there for a while and drew solace by looking at some wisteria flowers that he could see from his cell. I’m not sure if it’s the same plant, but there is a memorial now with a wisteria vine on a lattice with an explanation (You can see it on Google Maps as 管兵衛ゆかりの藤)

    Anyway, last night, the flowers were blooming. That made me happy, because it’s the first time I’ve seen it.

    For those interested, look up Fujidomoe. Those wisteria flowers became a clan emblem (kamon 家紋) of the Kuroda Clan after he was released and went on to rule in Chikuzen Province (Fukuoka).

  14. Toddler started her first seeds yesterday. She filled the seedling pots, emptied them a few times, filled them again, dropped a handful of marigold seeds into it, put more dirt on top, and then watered. It was an ordeal for me but she loved it and was so excited.

  15. Praise to me! My wife wants to buy a new washing machine and I told her to wait until golden week incase there’s a sale. Just got the email today for gw sale with 30,000 yen off 😎

  16. Rather than starting a whole new thread, I’d praise any of y’all who would kindly let me know what’s the best & cheapest mouthwash you found, I don’t mind buying a massive jug. Costco online only seems to have an expensive 500ml high end brand, haven’t been to the store in a while.

  17. Our new house’s driveway is so big (can park 3 cars) I’ve achieved one of my dreams in Japan: being able to put down an inflatable pool for the kids during the summer. Small victories.

    Was totally worth it waiting for the perfect plot. We snagged almost 180m^2 plot of land when the average lot in this area is 100-110 m^2.

  18. I finally left my 2 months’ notice on my toxic job =D

    Now I’m starting the process of changing my visa to study and improve my Japanese (I’m N5)

  19. Finished my work in the morning, boss told me I can go home after lunch.

    I think I have the opposite of a “black company” wow.

  20. A little late, but I thought the cherry blossoms this year seemed more stunning than previous years. The weather cooperated, the rain hit right before they bloomed and didn’t come back until two weeks later.

    We scheduled our pre-wedding photo shoot back in January and timed it spot on perfect. It was my area’s full bloom date and blue skies. The photos turned out fantastic. A lot of things may be overpriced about weddings, but I really believe investing in a good photographer is worth it.

    I‘Ve been trying to get more in whisky this year. I treated myself to a bottle of “Nikka From The Barrel” for the new work year. Great stuff.

  21. JR West finally announced Mobile ICOCA for iOS. Can’t wait to switch over from a PiTaPa.

  22. This morning the Sagawa guy came to deliver my new mattress. After getting nihongo jouzu’d by the older guy, he asked me where I came from, and after learning I’m from Brazil, he entered a ten minute passionate speech about soccer and the differences in play style between Brazil, Japan and Spain, all the while I was enthusiastically sou-desu-ne-ing, laughing along, and understanding *maybe* a solid half of what he said. I’m about as far from a sports guy as it gets, so with a different mindset I may have gotten super annoyed, but it was honestly pretty fun and made me feel less isolated.

    On a very related praise, fuck yes, new mattress!

  23. I farted today thinking at last minute that it was a poo but it wasn’t and it was just anxiety. Praising the fact I didn’t poo my pants

  24. I just love Japan’s landscape and architecture. There really isn’t anything else like it.

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