PCOS in Japan – Doctor Recommendation.

Asking for my gf:

I am looking for English-speaking **Gynecologist** recommendations in Tokyo, specially if they are knowledgeable about:

* Polycystic Ovary Syndrome **(PCOS)**: I’ve been previously diagnosed, and I have some concerns I would like to clarify about it with a doctor.
* Intrauterine Device **(IUD)**: It’s been 5 years since I have it, thus I want to do a check-up and possibly change it.

I have done some basic research on Google and older reddit posts; however, most of them are not directed to my specific needs, thus let me ask you guys about it.

Additionally, if the clinic / doctor have the following would be great:

* English Speaking.
* Female doctor.
* Open=minded towards anticonceptive methods.

Feel free to PM me if you don’t feel comfortable answering in this post.

Thank you so much for the help!

  1. One thing I would say is for your specific needs regarding PCOS and your IUD, you aren’t going to find English speaking Gynecologists advertising those areas of expertise on their websites, despite being able to provide consultation & treatment. I would recommend calling the clinics that you found in your Google search.


    After a quick search, this place might be worth calling to ask some more questions.

  2. Just wanted to comment that for PCOS in particular, you’re going to want to see an endocrinologist instead of a gynecologist. In my experience, GYN know little about PCOS and have no means to assist or treat, and send you to an endocrinologist anyway.

  3. ​

    * Female doctor.

    This is the most important criteria on your list! Don’t go to a male Japanese gynecologist.

  4. Hi there, I don’t know if the place I’m about to recommend does IUD, and while I do have PCOS I believe there is very little a gyno can do about it, until\unless you want to get pregnant, then it’s on.

    Anyway, I go for my check-ups and birth control pills here (they are on insurance if you have PCOS btw, just an fyi for anyone who takes those) –

    [http://www.e-ladys-clinic.com/](http://www.e-ladys-clinic.com/) in Toshima

    Both docs are female and speak English, nurses also speak some, the atmosphere is really nice and they have all been very thorough and kind.

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