Exotic fruit search

Anyone have suggestions on where I can purchase exotic fruit in Japan? I’m looking for fresh jackfruit, mamey sapote, ジャマイカンリリコイ, アセロラ, etc.,

  1. You’re very out of luck if you’re looking for fresh. Like, you’d be more likely to find it flying to Taiwan and bringing it back. Apparently [this place](https://adanokinawa.thebase.in/) seems to sell a few Okinawan-grown “exotic” fruits fresh, but even then the selection is very dismal and seasonal. [This place](https://www.instagram.com/shimavege.miyako_island.jp) might also sell some…? But not sure if they ship. In any case, it seems like it’s either Okinawa or overseas…

  2. Stores near me in Meguro stock exotic fruit but completely randomly: Aeon Himonya, Ozeki, The Garden & Kinokuniya. My wife occasionally grabs something rare – if heavily discounted, except durian, just not into it. I’m sure there are specialty shops that have some of what you’re looking for, this is Tokyo and just about anything can be had for a price.

  3. I think they sell dragonfruit at the Nishimura Fruit Parlor in Shibuya. Is that exotic enough?

  4. I did a search for アセロラ & I think I found frozen ones at National Azabu last summer or that Supermarket across from Meguro station (Sorry I forgot the name).

  5. The supermarket opposite Asia Superstore in Okubo might have some.
    Asia superstore itself often has Thai fruits.

  6. The Life Supermarket in Kamakura has so many exotic fruits. I’ve tried the one that messes with your taste buds and makes sour stuff taste sweet (miracle fruit?) and another African one I can’t remember the name of

    Perhaps other Life supermarkets might also have a good selection

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