should i invest in renshuu pro?

i normally dont pay for premium versions of apps but ive been using renshuu for a while and its so good. I checked out what features the pro version offer and it really seems like it would help me. Honestly, the only thing i really want is the feature where they play audio and you have to type back what it says because i want to improve my listening comprehension. The pitch accent testing is nice as well.

If i am to buy the pro version, im considering getting the lifetime package because i feel like i’m going to use it for a long time. However, i just wanted to hear from yall your experiences with it. Are there any cheaper (or ideally, free) alternatives that have what im looking for?

  1. I don’t know if there’s anything cheaper or better, but I bought the pro version and don’t regret it a bit. There’s so much you can do!

  2. It’s important to keep in mind that there are human beings making these apps, so if the app is bringing you value and is making you work towards your goals, then I see no reason not to support the person who created that experience for you.

    Language learning is also not easy, especially japanese. I personally don’t use Renshuu, but I gladly paid for services like Wanikani that I tried and helped me a lot. (and of course, I have the resources for it)

  3. I bought the year subscription recently. It’s a thousand percent better than duolingo for the same price, and I really like the pro quiz questions they have. Listening, writing, and sentences are all great IMO. I also like the crosswords. And the in depth studying stuff like pitch accent and kanji readings I’ll get around to eventually.

    The only reason I didn’t get the lifetime is because I feel like at a certain point I won’t need apps anymore, because I’ll mostly just be consuming more native material and doing vocabulary reviews. As long as that point comes in less than two years it makes more financial sense to not buy lifetime.

  4. I’ve passed the N1 and I still use renshuu. The app is one of my few recommendations outside of text books and getting a private tutor.

    Someone else said it but it’s so on point. There’s people that work hard on these apps so getting pro helps them pay their bills.

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