I have to move to Japan and I don’t have a degree

I’m 32 years old, Canadian, and my partner got a teaching position in Japan and I will have to move there with him. I don’t qualify for a dependent visa and Im too old for the working holiday visa (30 year old max) I don’t have a degree and I don’t speak Japanese. I would like to know if it’s possible to land a job there so I can get a working visa to live there. I have been working in different industries for over 15 years and right now I have a cleaning business (sole proprietorship). I would like to also learn the language when I get there. What are my options? I would really appreciate some feedback or guidance.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **I have to move to Japan and I don’t have a degree**

    I’m 32 years old, Canadian, and my partner got a teaching position in Japan and I will have to move there with him. I don’t qualify for a dependent visa and Im too old for the working holiday visa (30 year old max) I don’t have a degree and I don’t speak Japanese. I would like to know if it’s possible to land a job there so I can get a working visa to live there. I have been working in different industries for over 15 years and right now I have a cleaning business (sole proprietorship). I would like to also learn the language when I get there. What are my options? I would really appreciate some feedback or guidance.

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  2. What is the breakdown of your work experience? Experience might work in-lieu of a Bachelor’s degree but under most circumstances (Not all though), you will need at least 10 years in a specific field.

  3. >I don’t qualify for a dependent visa

    I’m curious about this point. Is this because you aren’t legally married or are there additional complications?

    With no degree and no relevant experience you’re not likely to find a job that is capable of sponsoring you. You could sign up for language school assuming you and your partner can afford it, but language school is a two year max, so you’d just be kicking that can down the road.

  4. You will need to marry your partner to get the visa from him. Otherwise you can’t go for more than a tourist stay.

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