Details of Shinkansen “person-vehicle incident” on 4/17, around 1900, around Osaka?

My Nagoya -> Osaka Shinkansen was delayed by about an hour – very surprising. Many announcements were made; the only notification in English was that a “person-vehicle incident” had occurred to cause a delay.

Is there a way to find out what happened? (How does either a person or a vehicle enter the Shinkansen tracks?) I’ve searched the English-language JR Central site, but couldn’t find more detail.

  1. Suicide. You are not likely going to receive more information than that, especially in English.

  2. At least they didn’t say “human accident.” I could never figure that one out.

  3. My buddy used to drive transit trains. During training they said he’d most likely experience a suicide and the only thing he should do is close his eyes.

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