Help with a sentence.

I am trying to write about my childhood dog. So far I have the sentence:


I have to use V-stem here, as it’s part of the assignment, along with から. What I am trying to say is

Everyday we’d go to the park and play, because Chewy was very big.

I know のが nominalizes but I am not sure if this works with other particles hence the ”のに” any help would be absolutely appreciated.

Looking at it now, I know I need to flip it, put the 毎日、part first, and then add から to the end of the second sentence about him being to big, but I am mostly tripping up on the particles here.

Thank you.

  1. Chewyさんがとても大きかったですから、毎日いっしょにこうえんで あそびに行きました。

    I don’t think you should use のに in this sentence

  2. >大きでしたから

    Recall that while both the i and na adjective forms, 大きい and 大きな respectively, can be used to modify nouns, only the former can be used to predicate sentences/clauses. Therefore, while you can say 大きいですから, what you’ve written is grammatically incorrect.

    In your case, you may also consider using 大きくなったから which emphasizes the change in size over time as a reason (“Since Chew’s grown up…”). In my opinion, this is more natural, although bear in mind it may not be exactly what you intended to convey.


    Duplicate に. Also, in hiragana, this should be い**っ**しょに


    公園で遊びに行きます. See [here]( for more info. のに is a contrastive cpnjunction (“in spite of/even though”) and doesn’t make sense where you used it; you’ve effectively written: “every day, even though we play at the park together, we went”.

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