Can ambulances find the house of someone who can’t talk on the phone? For example, gasping for air but unable to speak…?

Might be important.

  1. If it’s a cellphone, I assume they can get the gps data with a call to the carrier, as well as see your registered billing address. If it’s a landline they can look up the address. There used to be a TV show called rescue 911 and my 7 year old dumb ass called the number and the cops showed up 20 minutes later without me giving them the address. So, at least in the US they can get the address.

  2. landline yes.
    Cellphone dialing, unlikely unless there is some backdoor that gives away location information at the request of law enforcement or emergency services. They can check which cell tower the call is coming in from but that only gives a 5000 to 10000 ft radius area where the caller is.

  3. Anyone remember the elderly woman who died in the toilet due to heat? I can’t remember exactly, but I think her husband collapsed just in front of the toilet door from something and she wasn’t strong enough to push the door open since the body was blocking it. It was in summer and she got too hot and died.

    I always take my cellphone into the toilet with me at home, and in other rooms as I move around. Never know what might happen

  4. If you can speak a little, almost all street signs have a blue sticker with a location number on them.

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