One of the biggest Japanese YouTube channels posts video eating live octopus

One of the biggest Japanese YouTube channels posts video eating live octopus

  1. I was shocked because I’ve followed this channel and they seemed nice.

    And I didn’t think Japanese people would accept this. But most Japanese comments are positive towards it.

  2. I’ve tried it, tastes ok, a little scary because it still moves in your mouth and the sucking cups are still active. This is a South Korean delicacy and a lot of people choke to death each year because they get stuck in your throat.

  3. While I have tried most things you can eat raw, I’m not a huge fan of octopus even if it is very nicely cooked.

    I could probably imagine eating the tiny little octopus that has the illusion of being alive because of the reaction with the soy sauce, but I would never order it myself.

    This on the other hand, not a chance.

    And yes, this is cultural (although I guess they choose this for views).

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