2011 Tohoku Earthquake/Tsunami deaths list

Is there any existing comprehensive database compiling the names and ages of the casualties of the 2011 seismic disaster? I understand it was a massive five-figure death toll, but given the relatively organized documentation of residents in Japan, I’d expect to be able to find one, but I haven’t.


  1. When searching about this topic, it’s important to note that only a fraction of the bodies were found and identified. Unless a dead person is identified, they will count as missing. Just be aware of this technicality during your research.

    I found this page with a list of archives. Some of them are not available online anymore. If you live close to the area, the official documentation should be accessible to the public. If you are searching for someone specific, I would try to go to the nearest government archive to the area where they live and ask to see their records.

    Here is the [list of online archives](https://kn.ndl.go.jp/static/en/db.html)

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