How to overcome earthquake anxiety?

Hi reddit community, this is my first post – so please be nice.

I just moved to Japan at the end of last year and after some initial (and still present) excitement, I’ve been pretty much consumed by what is probably best described as earthquake anxiety.

Although I know it’s a good sign that Japan is so well prepared and famous for its great engineering, it makes me super anxious every time I see signs on earthquakes or any comment about “the big one” (earthquake). I’ve also seen a few videos of previous big earthquakes and animated ones of those predicted yet to come, which unsurprisingly didn’t help much. But it seems like this is a real threat and one that comes without any warning?

Has anyone had this experience and can tell me that it gets better with time? I want to be able to walk around in whatever house or space without constantly thinking about whether the roof or wall looks safe and stable. And if so, what measures have you taken to feel more at ease?

  1. You are afraid of things you don’t know.
    After experiencing several quakes, big and small, you will not be anxious about them anymore. There will be a respect, but no fear and no anxiety.

  2. I mean you live in an earthquake probe area. You should be always aware of what might you need to do during an earthquake.

    Also buy emergency supplies.

    Then take a deep breath!

  3. Any thing beyond march 2011 is like a walk in the park .
    the building that survived that earth quake are up to standards ,and Japanese standards are tough ,so yeah there will be more earth quakes and to be honest I like small earth quakes every now and then than a big one .
    東日本大震災 was no joke , i remember that i was playing dragon age when it happened .The building was flexing ,never saw that before but still it didn’t crumble .The standards are good .Just evacuate when its too long and you’ll be fine !

  4. Yeah, Japan is the best place to be in a quake. I used to joke that I don’t even get out of bed for anything under a 6! That’s a level at which other countries could see massive damage but in Japan maybe you’d see the Shinkansen stop running for a few hours.

    Just have your emergency plan made, and go about your day in an awesome country filled with fascinating things to do.

  5. You’ll get used to it. Just keep an emergency backpack with supplies and some bottled water near exit at your house, and be sure you know where the nearest evacuation safety zone (広域避難場所) is for you to head to. If one happens, people will congregate there until safe to head back home or to evacuation center, For what to do at your workplace, ask a boss or coworker.

  6. 1. Prepare an earthquake emergency kit and know the basic guidelines: turn off the gas, etc. (Google it. Literally hundreds of resources.)
    2. After completing step 1, realize you are as prepared as anyone can be.
    3. Stop walking down “What If Street.” Nothing worth seeing there, and it will only cause you anxiety.

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