Forging Katana at Maikoya Kyoto

I’m curious about [this experience in Maikoya in Kyoto]( It’s pricey but I’d really like to do something like this. Has anyone heard of or tried this experience or visited this place? They offer a Samurai and Ninja museum and other experiences, including Samurai, Ninja, Tea Ceremony, etc. Those all seem to have reviews and positive ones at that, but nothing can be found about this forging experience.

I’ve connected with them because of that coupon for 10% off, which didn’t work when I went to the cart. I sent a screen cap and they said the coupon didn’t work because the price was already discounted that’s why it didn’t work. Sent another screencap showing it was still the original price. Anyway, I’m going back and forth with them and it’s got me thinking twice about booking the experience, if this is the level of service I’m to expect. I might be reading too much into but…

  1. Since the coupon code works on their other experiences, presumably the katana making just isn’t discounted. That’s also (sort of) what they’re telling you, perhaps.

  2. Welcome to Japanese websites.

    The coupon code is site-wide and just uniformly applies to everything even though there seems to be limitations on certain experiences not being eligible.

    I can understand why the coupon won’t work on a sword making experience. It’s really just poor website management. They should just tell you that the coupon doesn’t work with that experience though. Up to you if you want to go ahead and book but for any type of forging classes you’re easily looking at about $300 for something small like a knife. $300usd (43300jpy) for a katana experience is a steal tbh. Just saying.

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