What is the equivalent of an Individual Retirement Account in Japan? (self-managed, tax-free retirement savings plans)

**Context:** I am advising a young person (who is Japanese, lives in Tokyo) on planning for their financial future (they are a recent uni grad, and have started working at a ‘forever job’ at a big Japanese company)… this person has allocated the maximum for their company pension, etc., from their pay packet — which is a good start.


**Background:** As with my own kids, my advice is, pay yourself first… but have a long term savings plan that includes retirement. In the USA and Ireland, anyone can open a self-managed account (Individual Retirement account IRA / USA or a Personal Retirement Savings Account PRSA / Ireland). My advice to my kids is: invest (hopefully tax exempt) for retirement in kind of risky securities, such as via a global index fund, so that the opportunity for growth is possible over their career lifetime (let’s call that 35-40 years)…


**Current Understanding:** There is a *Nippon individual savings account* (NISA), but that seems to be an account that is meant to help residents in Japan save money with tax-exempt benefits for medium-term goals. It doesn’t seem to offer access to securities in the high risk arena, and only seems to last 20 years.


**Question:** is there a type of account similar to an IRA/PRSA available to Japanese citizens, for long term retirement savings?


I could not find specific flare, so I am choosing “jobs,” even thought this is only tangentially in that area. Thank you in advance for your advice!

1 comment
  1. Besides Nisa, there is Ideco. I guess you’re not US, but know that US persons should not be buying non-US mutual funds, due to PFIC problems.

    You might browse/search at both [retirejapan](https://www.retirejapan.com) (the forum there also has good Q&A on both of the above), and r/JapanFinance and note their wiki, too.

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