I gave a Japanese friend a gift and she said she likes me? What does this mean

I’m just trying to understand the context as maybe it doesn’t mean the same thing as if someone who was an English speaker were to say it.

I’ve been hanging out with a girl who came to my city a few months ago. We see each other maybe twice a week. Eat and other activities.

Anyhow, I decided to get her a gift for her 3 months here and after I drove her home and left, she opened the gifts and then texted me later at night saying:

“Thanks for the present.”
“I like you! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ”

Does this mean anything because if an English speaker said that to me, it would translate to a confession but what about from a Japanese girl?

She asked to go for drinks so I was thinking of bringing the text back up at that time.


  1. Depends, do you like-like her back? Ordinarily i would say she’s saying it as an appreciation of your friendship rather than a confession.

  2. If she was using machine translation, she might have meant to say “i like it” (the present) but the machine translation went with “i like you” since it’s the same in Japanese.
    Also maybe plug your own Japanese into a machine and see what it says because I’m not sure what you’re trying to convey.

  3. Yeah I would recommend not sending the Japanese sentence at the end there… it’s a bit garbled and may only serve to confuse further

  4. This sounds like a typical translation mistake on her part. She most probably means she appreciates you. There is no reason someone would confess their love to you in this manner after opening up a gift, texting to say that they’re into you just like that. Especially if you’ve just met. So that’s my take on it 🙂

  5. Not sure if she likes you or not, but let’s chat about your sentence here: 日本人であなたにいつ好きだと言いた女は意味のか?彼女はまだ英語を学ぶですから、たぶん意味は違います。

    Just a few remarks:

    – The sentence isn’t grammatical but, it reads something like: “The meaning is a woman that said to you with japanese people when I like.” Probably not what you meant.

    – I think you meant 日本語で? Or 日本人の女の人?

    – You don’t need あなたに

    – The meaning of いつ is a question word, not “when” as in time.

    – のか is an informal way of speaking. Verb+ます is polite. Just stick to one.

    – 学ぶ is a weird verb and congigated incorrectly. So is 言いた。学んでいます and 言った, but should be 言っている

    Perhaps a better sentence would be: 日本人が好きだと言っている時、どんな意味ですか。

  6. プレゼントありがとうございます。好きです。
    Thanks for the present. I like it.

    That’s probably what she meant given the context.
    Then again, who knows. I mean, you could ask her about it, but it’s probably a bit embarrassing either way, if she meant it or not. Haha. If you’ve been hanging out with a Japanese girl twice a week for 3 months, she probably does like you. Most girls that aren’t very interested don’t spend that much time with the opposite sex (especially alone) and are usually “busy” or ghost men they aren’t interested in.

  7. I dunno. If that’s what she meant, I would think she would’ve said something in person. Or used your name specifically.

    In the context it sounds more like she meant to say she likes the present.

  8. To the OP is English your first language?

    I am asking this because of your story.
    Anyway i take it that you don’t speak Japanese at all.

    If English isn’t your first language, it isn’t hers for sure. So even in English there are bound to be misunderstandings. But it is better to communicate in English, as your Japanese is not near good enough to understand her. Please don’t send messages in Japanese to her if you don’t know the Japanese sentence is correct. That is probably the only advice you should take.
    Try to minimize the misunderstandings. While at first they are kawaii, they sure ain’t going to be kawaii all the time. Look up the word kawaii as well BTW…

    There is a whole lot of context missing for reddit users to give advice as well. Even with all info our advice is worthless. Just do what you think is right , and respect her.

    And while 好きです。is pretty neutral if it is for objects. If she said thank you for the present and the next sentence is すきです。it is about the present with 99% certainty. And she just appreciated that you gave her a present.
    Maybe she didn’t want to refuse it, because she didn’t want to make things awkward.

    When you see her next time and she is wearing the scarf you got her , or whatever you got her and she can’t stop talking about it… I would feel confident…
    But if she doesn’t bring it up at all…

    It is common to have confessions face to face not in text messages as well.
    And it can be said in steps.

    Sukidesu. I like …
    Daisukidesu. I like very much…
    Aishiteru I love…

    We don’t know your ages…
    We don’t know how she ended up in your town, nor how long she will be there.
    How you met each other….
    For example if you are the son of the homestay she is staying at….

    So you ate together and did other stuff?
    Was it stuff you would do with anyone?

    Have you ever hugged? All this could be pointers, but there is never certainty unless you open up.

    No need to answer all these questions. Just make sure you treat her well.

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