Japanese sex education teaches them about their own ‘boundaries’

Japanese sex education teaches them about their own ‘boundaries’


  1. It’s good that they are talking about sexual abuse. Their are many people that don’t understand that it comes in many forms.

  2. >「おむつ替えやお風呂などのケアの際も、子どもの体を触る時には『触るね』などと声を掛けて」と呼びかける。

    That’s ridiculous. A mix of American puritanism and Japanese fear of touching.

    Making human touch an innately wrong thing by having to always preface it and turn it into something innately sexual is the best way to create neurotic people.

    Conflating touching a baby or an infant and sexual assault is the best way to make these kids completely unaware of what real sexual assault is.

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