Eating only japanese to lose weight??

I was thinking about this…japanese people are mostly skinny and healthy bc their food is healthy.
So what if I start only eating like a japanese all day every day at every meal??
Could that like help to lose weight?
Bc my typical dishes here are boring…
(Don’t take this question too serious I was just wondering)

  1. I’m pretty sure eating human flesh is illegal in most parts of the world.

  2. Japanese people, and all east asians generally including Koreans, are skinny not only because the food is healthy, but because most live in walking cities like Seoul or Tokyo where they have to exercise a ton just in daily life. And they moderate their intake and have smaller food portions, and there is societal pressure against looking fat.

    Simply switching to Japanese food won’t help you lose weight if you eat tonkatsu every day and don’t moderate your intake. There’s no magical weight loss food. You just have to eat less and exercise more.

  3. You can live in the major cities and never own a car. There is also a lot of fat shaming.

  4. Just eat lots of vegetables, loads of protein and very few carbs. You’ll shred weight quickly. The Japanese diet isn’t that healthy, it’s mostly centered around highly refined carbs (white rice is not good for you at all) and high in salt. These two things can produce e high blood pressure, constant insulin spikes/uneven energy, and also weight gain if portion control isn’t your bag.

    As others have said japan fat shames, so people will forego meals at times. Just stick to moving more, eating less and you’ll be fine.

  5. You go to work for 10-12 hours, then you can enjoy all the delicious food and alcohol at a nice izakaya with your co-workers.

    If you are not working and moving around a lot, then keep your diet simple. Moderate carbs, high protein, and lots of veggies. Drinking tea and eating no-noodle soups can help curb appetite.

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