Onomatopoeia for bats?

I’m not really too knowledgeable on Japanese, but from what I know it has a lot more onomatopoeias than English, or at least I hear about them more often. I was looking into some stiff and decided to find out what the onomatopoeia is for the noise bats make in Japanese but I can’t find anything on it at all. Bats make squeeking sounds so the noise they make might just be expressed the same way a mouse’s is, but I wanted to make sure. Does anyone have any clue?

  1. Bats go pata pata when they fly. That is the sound of their wings flapping. Their voice would be kii, kii, or chuu chuu. That is not the sound of their echolocation, but a different vocalization some bats do.

  2. The sound of bats flying is usually “バサバサ(basa-basa?)”. Also, when describing their chirps, it is usually “キィキィ/キーキー(key-key?)”.

    I have never seen “pata pata” or “chuu chuu” used on bats.

    It is usually birds flying that use pata pata for onomatopoeia. Also, chuu chuu is basically an expression for a mouse.

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