Just started learning hiragana and katakana

Hi! I’m a 25 year old romanian man and I just started learning japanese because I want to enjoy manga and anime in their original language and even more, learning a new language would be useful for future job opportunities. Any tips and tricks that might help me learning ’em quicker? Also, where can I find a partner (male or female, doesn’t matter) who can help me with my japanese journey?


P.S. I only know a few words from anime and I don’t know any grammar at all. Can you recommend me any good YouTube channels to learn grammar?

  1. One of the best for learning grammar would be Cure Dolly in Youtube if you can get past the “character”.

    I’d also recommend checking if your local libraries have some textbooks as using your native language is going to be much more effective as you should be more familiar with the grammar points. I’ve noticed myself that I’m learning quite much about English while trying to learn Japanese.

    Hello Talk is somewhere you could try to find a language exchange partner.

  2. I spent a long time trying to learn hiragana and katakana from Duolingo, but what made me finally really get them was the [JapanesePod videos](https://youtu.be/6p9Il_j0zjc). Then I jumped into reading to solidify it with practice.

    Check out the [WaniKani book clubs](https://community.wanikani.com/t/master-list-of-book-clubs/35283) to get an idea of some content to try. They’re good about making vocab lists for each book, which is faster than looking up words in a dictionary. Most of the content will be beyond your level, but don’t wait too long to try reading. You have to learn it by doing it regardless of when you start.

  3. Hi! I recently started to learn hiragana and katakana too! I would be glad to be your study buddy. I also like manga and anime. 🙂

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