Conferment of Degree Requirement

American 2023 applicant here. I met the deadline in November and am currently anticipating graduation in late April. However, I did just learn about a requirement deadline for my honors program that I had misinterpreted at my university that could delay my graduation by a term into late June. I’m trying to meet with my advisors to discuss this, but I wanted to get the JET angle. I know that the requirement for the JET program says that a degree needs to be “conferred by June 29th, 2023.” Is there anyone that can explain what this means?

I ordinarily wouldn’t be worried, but if this does end up preventing me from getting my degree in time, I may need to just disregard my status as an honors student and withdraw from the program to graduate in time. I’m a bit worried as you may be able to tell, so any advice is helpful.

  1. So you graduate in June and the deadline for graduating for JET is June.

    I don’t really see the problem here, just bring your updated conferment of degree to the interview. (Or online portal if you have one, i’m not American)

    But how did you even get a verified confirmation of conferment in the first place if you’re not actually graduating in April?

  2. The honors degree is more worthwhile than JET. Just focus on getting your degree no matter what date you might finish.

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