I would like to learn “japanology”

i would like to ask if i could be recommended books about Japan

I’m looking several topics at the same time, trying to understand how do they think.

For example, i’m interested on several topics, from Toyota Administration System, Japan Rail manteinance and cleaning procedures, to their classic Kyoto 2 story houses, their landscaping, their tea plantations, etc etc. I would like to read books from those topics and more, but i’m not sure how can i start, that’s why i would like to have your help.


  1. *Dogs and Demons* by Alex Kerr would be good, but also a very one-sided perspective.

    Otherwise *The Cambridge Companion to Modern Japanese Culture* and *An Introduction to Japanese Society*, the first edited and the latter written by Yoshio Sugimoto would be more formal but still introductory overviews.

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