Question about highly skilled professional visa

For those who applied for this visa through an internal transfer to an office in Japan within your company, did you have to submit a new employment contract entered into between you and the Japanese branch office, or were some other documents (if so, what) sufficient to demonstrate you were hired by a Japanese entity? Were there anything else to pay special attention to when applying for this type of visa?

1 comment
  1. >For those who applied for this visa through an internal transfer to an office in Japan within your company

    Generally speaking if you’re moving via an internal transfer you won’t be getting a HSFP. You’ll probably be getting the Intracompany Transfer visa.

    While it’s certainly *possible* to get the HSFP on a transfer, most companies don’t want to go through the effort, as the Transfer visa is much less paperwork on their part.

    > did you have to submit a new employment contract entered into between you and the Japanese branch office

    You will need to prove that you are, in fact, working for the Japanese office of your company. The simplest way to do that is by showing them a contract with the Japanese branch, yes.

    If you/your company are unwilling or unable to go that route, you will be in “consult an immigration attorney” territory. Japanese immigration doesn’t handle edge cases very well, so if you do something that’s not the normal way of doing things it’s best to have a lawyer on your side.

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