Best way to proceed?

My conundrum is that right now I’m working on vocabulary.
I make a flash card of it on my app and add it and To help me remember it I also writing it down a bunch of times in my notebook. Thats the closest thing I have to a “system right now” but here’s the issue:

I like and want to start the kanji damage method soon (which involves going in order to learn the kanjis and radicals but since I’m going through this vocabulary (N5) and learning it’s kanji anyway, even if it’s not listed; wont that mess up this whole system?

I can’t starting going the kanji damge system because Im learning vocabulary and kanji from the N5 sheet but, the N5 kanji don’t follow kanjidamge and are out of order. Making the idea of starting kanjidamge and and continuing this N5 seem overwhelming, in the amount I have to learn and potentially pointless/ ineffective and would actually hamper my learning over all.

I’m not really sure what to do now, so I haven’t started (properly learning kanji) I feel like I’m at two opposites and can’t move forward. Any advice? Thanks.

  1. The best thing here is that there is no “proper way” to learn kanji. You could say I’m “learning” incorrectly because I’m just taking a translation of the kanji and put it into anki

  2. No it won’t mess up anything what so ever. Learn N5 all you like. Knowing kanji in advance won’t cause the Kanii damage to be ineffective. I already knew kanji up to N4 before I did kanii damage.

  3. there is no wrong way to learn kanji, other than literally learning them incorrectly aka wrong meaning or use etc.

    everyone learns differently, combining two different ways to study is not a bad thing and often encouraged. so if you want to study them one way now and another way later it won’t mess anything up. at most there is one you already know and don’t have to learn later, isn’t that a good thing?

  4. I went through kanjidamage and was very happy with it and I wish I would’ve done it earlier. There’s not really any harm in starting it early. It’s going to make learning new vocabulary easier since you’ll learn useful onyomi and get the general meaning of the kanji and start to recognize them more easily. You’re going to eventually need to know all the kanji in there anyways.

    You can just use the kanjidamage anki deck at whatever pace you feel good with and you’ll get through it eventually. I think the most new cards I did per day was maybe 20 or 25, but I probably averaged 10 to 15 new per day maybe.

    As for vocabulary, all I ever did was core2k, which I started partway through kanjidamage, and then now I have my own anki deck which I am adding words to which is at about 6500 words now, around 3000 of those have been added since the start of the year. I’ve been trying to get serious about it so I’m trying to do 30-50 words a day now.

    If you’d like I can link all the stuff I’ve personally used for learning or go into more detail about any of it.

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