Pay Conbini receipts with credit card?

Hi there’s an item I want to buy on Mercari, but my credit card doesnt seem to work there. ,(It is Mastercard and should be).

Is it possible to change my payment method to convenice store and pay by credit card there?(It seems FamilyMart I could possibly do so as 7/11 and lawson says strictly cash.)


  1. No, not possible (* except at 7/11 if you use their nanaco-branded card, I think)?

    Convenience store pay is cash only.

    There’s a kinda workaround. If you use PayPay, and have a softbank/linemo account, you can register your (foreign) card there, add softbank account as a payment source to paypay, and then pay with “smartphone billing” method. I’ve heard several times of this working, but since my softbank number is different from the phone # registered on my paypay I’ve not personally tried it. However since mercari doens’t take paypay, I guess this info is useless anyway 🙂

    tl;dr: cash only at conbini

  2. Mercari only accepts locally-issued credit cards (I’m guessing your card is from your home country) and konbini payments only accepts cash (and famipay if famima, nanaco if 7-11), so you’re out of luck.

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