Business visa with family

I own a business in America and wife is stay at home with our two young children. If I go to Japan for business on behalf of my company (meeting large manufacturing vendor in Tokyo) can I get a visa so my family can come with me, or is it strictly only for the individual engaged in business?

  1. Depends on the Visa.

    What you’re looking to do will probably be covered under a business visa which is really just a tourist visa but with more leeway doing work-related things on Japanese soil.

    Your family could just follow you on tourist visas whenever the border fully re-opens as you won’t be staying here long term anyway.

  2. You mean for a short-term visit, or as a resident?

    If it’s the former, ask the embassy that’s issuing the visa, they’ll almost certainly say no, unless your wife and children are also employees of your company, and critical to the success of negotiations.

    If it’s the latter, you’ll need to arrange dependent visas after you’ve settled in.

  3. Before Covid, you and your family could’ve just entered the country as tourists with a visa-waiver. With how things are now, I would honestly just call up your embassy of Japan and ask to be on the safe side.

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