Youtubers to watch

So, when I was learning English Youtubers and Tv shows helped me the most. Now I’m planning to do the same again.

Can anyone recommend some good youtubers?

  1. There’s a whole lot of them, but here’s my top four, in no particular order.

    Japanese Ammo With Misa

    Cure Dolly


    Comprehensible Japanese

  2. You got some good *learning* YouTubers, but you should really research your hobbies and find some videos on them in Japanese for some fun native content.

  3. Game Gengo does some great stuff and I personally find him a better teacher than TokiniAndi.

    His hour long grammar videos are a bit much in one sitting but he’s doing smaller videos now and they are always enjoyable.

    For lower level stuff his Genki videos are very good although he’s only up to lesson 7.

    Japanese with Shun does some interesting N5/N4 level conversation videos. I enjoy them even if there’s many words I don’t yet understand.

  4. There are loads of YouTube channels that are either dedicated to learning Japanese like あかね的日本語教室 to native content if you want to be immersive. I would really recommend the しらべてみたら series by FNN news where they just dive into a particular facet of Japanese social issue. The advantage is that you can practice both listening comprehension and learn vocabulary thematically.

    I also made a separate YouTube account so that my feed would be entirely Japanese videos and I would only get Jp content recommendations.

  5. Bite sized japanese. It’s a great channel that uses and repeats vocabulary words

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