Robot fights?

Since I was a kid I wanted to go to Japan to see two things : sumo fights and robot fights. I attended last year sumo tournament but are robot fights still a thing? I am referring to the event during which teams build their robots and fight against each other’s. Thanks

  1. I know that Robot Combat is a thing in Japan, but its much less common than it is in the states/ europe. Most of the competitions there also arent really the same type of robot combat you may be familiar with.

  2. Yes. Was there last year and attended a robot fight at “robot restaurant” in shinjuku. We ate at a pretty decent yakaniku place directly across the street before. The food at the robot fights didn’t sound great.

    You have to sit in a large room at the beginning and there is a bar and some live music with band members dressed as robots. Then they let you in to the “stadium”.

    Link: [robot restaurant ](,rc_f:nav,rc_ludocids:11835848172612023192,rc_q:Robot%2520Restaurant,ru_q:Robot%2520Restaurant,trex_id:FonBgd)

  3. Robot fights is a much more american and even tradition.
    Really, you won’t see many robots if at all while in Japan.

    People who make bots are more into appearance and workmanship in Japan. Neatness, polished aesthetic, this kind of thing.

    Also – not even sexbots – those are also a predominantly American invention.

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