I finished Chapter 1 of よつばと!

I was unsure whether to post this since I feel like it’s only a small achievement. But I’m still proud of myself and look forward to learning more Japanese!

  1. Congrats! I’ve heard it’s a great manga for those learning Japanese. Where did you read it? I was looking to try reading it myself but didn’t know where to look.

  2. Gratz!!

    Currently studying my hiragana. So happy I have been able to read what little has just been posted here. Small victories.

  3. Hey, congrats on the achievement. Still a beginner myself in Japanese and this thread piqued my interest so I bought the first volume as well. I’ll probably read it extremly slow like わ..た…氏は..よ…つばと but not sure how I’ll read or search for a particular kanji from the printed manga. I guess there’s an app for that though.


  4. Congrats, that’s awesome! Did you comprehend it, or more so just get through the reading?

  5. Lets goo! It was still very hard for me to finish them all when I first began. Keep going!

  6. I recently bought it at the used book store. Lives up to the hype. Well done.

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