UPDATED UPDATE: Have to wait a month before final paycheck: Company retroactively denied paid leave, clipped wages off final paycheck

Hi all, thanks so much for all the help I’ve gotten from this sub (public and private). I hope my predicament can also help someone else in need in the future (my prior posts are copied in the bottom).

Basically, my company wanted to only pay me after returning abroad, and I would have incurred a large surtax. Once I faxed Labor Law to them, they finally paid (after refusing at first)…but wouldn’t give me my payslip and tax withholding slip. After two weeks of getting nowhere, I faxed again, and received the payslip…but with a nasty surprise.

The date of my last paycheck is wrong (dated to the end of the month), so I’m worried I will be on the hook for that surtax after all. But, most worryingly, they deducted pay for paid leave they previously approved. When I pointed it out, they acknowledged the mistake, but kept asking what day I was leaving Japan. Today, they told me they won’t fix the documents or restore my pay. They also confirmed receipt of my (repeated) emails about the mistake. I felt they might also be slow-walking my Certificate of Employment request. I could hear them guffawing in the background.

In response, I faxed the company my intention to visit the Labor Office. They responded with an email about the CoE, but no response about the pay discrepancy or inaccurate date. It seems they just want to run out the clock.

Any advice on how I should proceed tomorrow with Labor would be welcome. I don’t wish this situation on more vulnerable foreigners, or anyone else.

Part I: https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/124kgxi/have_to_wait_over_a_month_before_getting_my_last/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

Part II: https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/12kkxei/update_having_to_wait_a_month_before_receiving_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

Edit update: They also didn’t do the 確定申告 for my income tax.

  1. Wow… what scumbags.

    > Any advice on how I should proceed tomorrow with Labor would be welcome.

    Bringing anything you have in writing (print out emails etc.) would be advantageous, otherwise, they’re really pretty helpful and supportive.

  2. Don’t just ask the labour inspector for advice. Tell them you want to file a formal complaint against your company.

  3. Go to the labor office and ask them to contact the company. Make sure to explain in detail everything with documents backing up what you say. Tell them what resolution you want/what money is owed.

    Unfortunately, the labor office will only ask them nicely and make a note that the company is bad. There is a real chance if you want what is owed, you will need to go the legal route.

  4. Tell them, “日本の企業らしくないね”

    Honestly, just wanted to say thanks for sticking it to them the best you can. I hope they go under with management and employees like that

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