Looking for more Anki Decks to study (preferably grammar and sentences). I’ve learned around 1.3k vocab and all the N5 grammar from university classes but looking to continue to self-study.
Here’s the decks I’m currently using:
Links to the decks:
Japanese V2K: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1434910726
Kanji in Context (Revised):
JMDict All Common Vocab:
I haven’t started it yet but I think the tango n5 and n4 is the one you are looking for!
can you please share he links for these?
So, on the one hand this deck can be a little crude, strange vivid imagery can sometime help people with memorization. My brain needs something extra to ‘tag/hook’ a word and some of their… interesting… examples helped words stick better.
[http://www.kanjidamage.com](http://www.kanjidamage.com) You can read a little about their method and examples here
I started out with a modified deck: [https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1917095458](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1917095458) for a different word order. They also use a few ‘non-standard’ radicals; but in context it works out ok. What I liked about the deck was stroke orders, ‘look-alike’ kanji so that you start to recognize differences with similar looking kanji, example sentences, Jukugo (compound words with that kanji) etc.
It doesn’t have pitch accent, or audio, which is nice in other decks.
I’m a super beginner (first couple months), my decks will reflect that.
RRTK 450: This is a trimmed down version of RRTK, but accomplishes the same goal. That goal is recognizing Kanji as patterns instead of squiggles. It’s cut down to some radicals and kanji that frequently show up in media. At my present pace I’ll get through it in about a month.
Hiragana + Katakana + Dakuten + Handakuten + Yoon: pretty straight forward Kana practice deck. It has audio. I’ve been through with it for awhile, but I still review it.
Katakana Reading Practice: Pretty straight forward
Core 2.3k Version 3: It’s actually 1972 cards. A core deck focused down to frequency in media & less frequency in news papers.
Tango N5 & Tango N4: Vocabulary in sentences. Working my way through these with the Core deck.