App/Site like Reddit in Japanese

Hello guys, i was wondering if there is and App or Website similar to reddit but for Japanese peoples, I learned english a lot by consuming content like reddit with memes etc… I thought it could be a good and funny way to learn japanese too when i see how much I improved my english without even trying to do it, i was just having fun.

  1. Just note Japanese internet speak (in some communities) are pretty bad for learning the language. Not to mention, you can quite easily run into right/left/whatever messed up content, far easier than Reddit imo.

  2. People have recommended stuff like 2chan, but imo that’s closer to 4chan than it is to Reddit. Hella yikes hella quick. Assuming you’re trying to learn regular Japanese and normal slang and not “things only people chronically online in a yikes way say,” I would recommend just following Japanese accounts on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Youtube etc

  3. 2ch/5ch have helped me by far the most. Twitter is next best. Reddit/Instagram/etc. have been mostly useless for native content

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