Best way to spend us$100 in online courses/ materials?


The company I work for offers a yearly bonus to be spent in improving one’s skills, of about us$100. In your opinion, what would be the most efficient way of spending it to improve my Japanese?

My current level is probably below N5: I know the N5 vocabulary and part of N4, as well as hiragana and katakana, but very little grammar.


Thanks for the help!

  1. Most useful online resource is satori reader IMO, they have lots of stories translated and explained in details but it’s little early for you, maybe around N4, when you finish genki

  2. iTalki or other platform for practicing your Japanese with tutors.

    Other stuff you can basically get for free nowadays.

    Textbook stuff – Genki / [Genki exercises (free)](

    Reading – [Tadoko](

    Videos – [Comprehensible Japanese (some paid)](

    Anki / Renshuu are free, and you can use either or both depending on what you prefer. If you don’t know where to start, then get the 2k/10k deck for Anki, and any one of those JLPT decks in Renshuu.

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